Friday, February 27, 2009

Because of the Times?

IS THIS THE SAME BAND? I think not I figured I'd say something on here because this is ridiculous.

Anyone who knows Kings of Leon knows how amazing aha shake heartbreak is. This album was made in 2004...when no one gave a shit about 4 country boys playing rock music.
Skip ahead to 2009 - Only by the Night is a top seller, but where are all those catchy riffs found in Aha and Youth and Young Manhood? I checked out the album, and found it was a set back to KoL's original thrash and 'stache. Even their appearance has cleaned up exceptionally...they look like U2 junior (maybe they can get action figures soon - that'd be cool...more money to people who don't need it anymore). It's a far cry from the rags, hair, and general body funk - but is it a gain or loss?
Looking at the photo above (Left) I wonder - did they all pick the same colour clothes and then go into the washroom to try it on together? Definitely some Hollywood bullshit folks.
Maybe not if you're part of those who just started enjoying Kings of Leon this year, and enjoy hearing "Sex on Fire" in a radio friendly environment like the Air Canada Centre, which will probably charge over 60 dollars for the upcoming concert in April.

BUT - if you enjoyed Kings of Leon from the beginning you now have to pay 2 or 3 times as much...and fuck buying a 40 dollar t-shirt!

After hearing their mediocre last record called "Because of the Times"....I've realised it certainly is...

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